Everything You Never Knew About Disinfectants

It seems like everywhere you go these days disinfectants are always there. Whether it’s sanitizing wipes for your grocery cart, or that little table just inside the door with a bottle of hand sanitizer, disinfectants are now more than ever before, an integral part of our everyday life. But what do you know about them, really know? When you are at the store, standing in the “cleaners” aisle, there are dozens of products touting disinfecting promises, each offering the highest percent of effective killing power on the market. So, what do you do? How do you choose? How do you really know that any of them are doing anything at all?

Welcome to the world of disinfectants. 

The fact is, the less you know, the less pressure manufacturers have to produce new, innovative, quality products. There is simply no need to invest the time and money it takes to make newer and better products, when there is no demand for it. There is no demand due to the consumer’s lack of product education and the confusing, sometimes misleading claims on the front of bottles. 

Let’s first tackle the misconceptions of spray disinfectants.

The majority of disinfectants on the market today are using technology developed in the 60’s.
In commercials you see an easy application; one quick spray, followed immediately by a wipe with a paper towel. Done. That’s what manufacturers would like you to think. To get the promises on the front of the bottle, you must follow the application directions on the back of the bottle. In case you’ve never read the back of a bottle, (like most of us) let me share with you the average process.

  • Clean the desired area with soap and water.
  • Spray disinfectant over the entire area until saturated. Do not allow the product to dry.
  • Wait 10 minutes for full effectiveness. 
  • Wipe product from the surface completely.

That’s right. It can take up to ten minutes for most disinfectants to reach that lofty 99.99% that they promise, and that’s after you pre-clean the area. Not to mention the massive amount of product you will go through trying to keep the entire area wet for ten minutes. But let’s say you do it, you follow all the directions and now have a perfectly disinfected surface. What happens if it’s touched just one time? You have to start all over again. It’s definitely not worth the time, energy, or money.

Next, let’s “touch” on Hand Sanitizers.

I know what you’re thinking… How can anyone be uneducated on the proper use of hand sanitizer? Pump, squirt, rub, done, right? Well, have you read the instructions on the back of the bottle? If you have, you know you must apply enough to keep your hands wet for two minutes in order for it to be effective. Now, as you know, most hand sanitizers are alcohol-based. That means it evaporates very quickly. You can imagine how difficult it would be to keep your hands saturated and wet for two minutes? Think of the millions of applications every year that accomplish nothing. Think of the millions- no, billions of dollars spent on these products each year.

There is a solution.

At the very beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic scientists from around the world joined forces to create a better, more effective disinfectant. They created Avrika. In one application, Avrika continuously kills 222 known pathogens including the Sars-Cov -2 virus, at 99.9999% efficacy for a minimum of 30 days. No pre-cleaning, no waiting, no re-application is necessary. Unlike other products, Avrika keeps killing on surfaces even after 175 touches, and keeps killing in fabrics even after 30 washes.  Additionally, Avrika’s efficacy has been validated across 54 independent test criteria and standards at world-class ISO-certified independent testing labs. 

In conclusion, always read the fine print, the back of the bottle, and the instructions. Don’t settle for difficult-to-use products that offer subpar results. Do your research and demand the very best. You deserve it.

By Dana Nanjee